Splunk Search

loadjob: what should be the user for a saved search whose owner is "No owner"?

Path Finder


I created a saved search without specifying owner. Form S.o.S, such saved search is showing owner as "No owner". This is expected because I did not specify owner.

But when I use 'loadjob' to get the result from such saved search, it askes to pass "< user-string>:< application-string>:< search-name-string>" triplet as parameter. I have tried to pass "No owner', "Any", "-", "", as the "< user-string>" in the triplet. None of them works for me.

What should I specify as user-string in this case?

Thanks in advanced and here is the Splunk document about this:

Syntax: savedsearch="< user-string>:< application-string>:< search-name-string>"

Description: The unique identifier of a savedsearch whose artifacts need to be loaded. A savedsearch is uniquely identified by the triplet {user, application, savedsearch name}, for example: search="admin:search:my saved search"

Path Finder

I figure it out by myself. It is "nobody".

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