Dashboards & Visualizations

How to make sure all data columns on my dashboard display at all times?


Hi I have a dashboard where I am monitoring data every hour. I would like to make sure both all rows appear. In the morning only half of them display but as the day progresses my dashboard changes. I have only 18 rows in my database table, in the morning there is less. I want my dashboard to display all 18 rows at all times no matter if there is no data. My table is automatically generated from the database every 5 minutes. Where and what do I change my code? Here is the full dashboard. alt text

        //Can confirm that the search query works.
    var search1 = new SearchManager({
            "id": "search1",
            "sample_ratio": null,
            "status_buckets": 0,
            "earliest_time": "-1h@h",
//            "earliest_time": "rt-3h",
            "search": "index=\"TEM_Availability_Dashboard\"|append[search index=\"dashboard_tem_application\"|search Active=1] |eval displayValue=case(TestResult_Value == \"PASSED\", \"low\", TestResult_Value == \"FAILED\", \"severe\") \
            |dedup Application_Name, TestCase_Value, SwimLane_Value, TestResult_Value |sort Application_Name, TestCase_Value \
|eval QA1 = case(like(TestResult_Value,\"PASSED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA1\",\"low\",like(TestResult_Value,\"FAILED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA1\",\"severe\", like(TestResult_Value,\"NA\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA1\",\"NA\") \
|eval QA2 = case(like(TestResult_Value,\"PASSED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA2\",\"low\",like(TestResult_Value,\"FAILED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA2\",\"severe\", like(TestResult_Value,\"NA\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA2\",\"NA\") \
|eval QA3 = case(like(TestResult_Value,\"PASSED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA3\",\"low\",like(TestResult_Value,\"FAILED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA3\",\"severe\", like(TestResult_Value,\"NA\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA3\",\"NA\") \
|eval QA4 = case(like(TestResult_Value,\"PASSED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA4\",\"low\",like(TestResult_Value,\"FAILED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA4\",\"severe\", like(TestResult_Value,\"NA\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA4\",\"NA\") \
|eval QA5 = case(like(TestResult_Value,\"PASSED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA5\",\"low\",like(TestResult_Value,\"FAILED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA5\",\"severe\", like(TestResult_Value,\"NA\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA5\",\"NA\") \
|eval QA6 = case(like(TestResult_Value,\"PASSED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA6\",\"low\",like(TestResult_Value,\"FAILED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA6\",\"severe\", like(TestResult_Value,\"NA\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA6\",\"NA\") \
|eval QA7 = case(like(TestResult_Value,\"PASSED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA7\",\"low\",like(TestResult_Value,\"FAILED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA7\",\"severe\", like(TestResult_Value,\"NA\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"QA7\",\"NA\") \
|eval STG = case(like(TestResult_Value,\"PASSED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"STG\",\"low\",like(TestResult_Value,\"FAILED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"STG\",\"severe\", like(TestResult_Value,\"NA\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"STG\",\"NA\")  \
|eval STG2 = case(like(TestResult_Value,\"PASSED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"STG2\",\"low\",like(TestResult_Value,\"FAILED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"STG2\",\"severe\", like(TestResult_Value,\"NA\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"STG2\",\"NA\") \
|eval PVE = case(like(TestResult_Value,\"PASSED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"PVE\",\"low\",like(TestResult_Value,\"FAILED\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"PVE\",\"severe\", like(TestResult_Value,\"NA\") AND SwimLane_Value==\"PVE\",\"NA\") \
|table Application_Name, TestCase_Value, QA1,QA2,QA3,QA4,QA5,QA6,QA7,STG,STG2,PVE |rename TestCase_Value AS \"Test Case\" |rename Application_Name AS \"Application Name\" \
|stats values(QA1) as QA1, values(QA2) as QA2,values(QA3) as QA3,values(QA4) as QA4,values(QA5) as QA5,values(QA6) as QA6,values(QA7) as QA7,values(STG) as STG,values(STG2) as STG2,values(PVE) as PVE by \"Application Name\", \"Test Case\" \
|eval QA1 = if((mvjoin(QA1, \",\") == \"low,severe\" OR mvjoin(QA1, \",\") == \"severe,low\"), \"elevated\", QA1) \
|eval QA2 = if((mvjoin(QA2, \",\") == \"low,severe\" OR mvjoin(QA2, \",\") == \"severe,low\"), \"elevated\", QA2) \
|eval QA4 = if((mvjoin(QA4, \",\") == \"low,severe\" OR mvjoin(QA4, \",\") == \"severe,low\"), \"elevated\", QA4) \
|eval QA5 = if((mvjoin(QA5, \",\") == \"low,severe\" OR mvjoin(QA5, \",\") == \"severe,low\"), \"elevated\", QA5) \
|eval QA6 = if((mvjoin(QA6, \",\") == \"low,severe\" OR mvjoin(QA6, \",\") == \"severe,low\"), \"elevated\", QA6) \
|eval QA7 = if((mvjoin(QA7, \",\") == \"low,severe\" OR mvjoin(QA7, \",\") == \"severe,low\"), \"elevated\", QA7) \
|eval STG = if((mvjoin(STG, \",\") == \"low,severe\" OR mvjoin(STG, \",\") == \"severe,low\"), \"elevated\", STG) \
|eval STG2 = if((mvjoin(STG2, \",\") == \"low,severe\" OR mvjoin(STG2, \",\") == \"severe,low\"), \"elevated\", STG2) \
|eval PVE = if((mvjoin(PVE, \",\") == \"low,severe\" OR mvjoin(PVE, \",\") == \"severe, low\"), \"elevated\", PVE) \
|eval QA3 = if((mvjoin(QA3, \",\") == \"low,severe\" OR mvjoin(QA3, \",\") == \"severe,low\"), \"elevated\", QA3)",
            "cancelOnUnload": true,
            "latest_time": "now",
//            "latest_time": "rt",
            "app": utils.getCurrentApp(),
            "auto_cancel": 90,
            "preview": true,
            "tokenDependencies": {
            "runWhenTimeIsUndefined": false
        }, {tokens: true, tokenNamespace: "submitted"});

        // SPLUNK LAYOUT

        new LayoutView({"hideSplunkBar": false, "hideAppBar": false, "hideChrome": false})


        new Dashboard({
            id: 'dashboard',
            el: $('.dashboard-body'),
            showTitle: true,
            editable: true
        }, {tokens: true}).render();


        var element1 = new TableElement({
            "id": "element1",
            "count": 20,
            "drilldown": "cell",
            drilldownRedirect: true,
            "managerid": "search1",
            "el": $('#element1')
        }, {tokens: true, tokenNamespace: "submitted"}).render();

        element1.on("click", function(e) {
            // Bypass the default behavior
            window.open('tem_search_ui_html?appName=' + e.data["row.Application Name"] + '&testCase=' + e.data["row.Test Case"] +  '&swimLane=' + e.data["click.name2"] +  '&earliest=' + e.data.earliest + '&latest=' + e.data.latest, "_parent");

            // Displays a data object in the console
            console.log("Clicked the table:", e.data);
            //console.log("Clicked the table:", e.data["click.value"]);
            //console.log("Clicked the table:", e.data["click.value2"]);

        // Initialize time tokens to default
        if (!defaultTokenModel.has('earliest') && !defaultTokenModel.has('latest')) {
            defaultTokenModel.set({ earliest: 'rt-1h', latest: 'rt' });

        // Define icons for the custom table cell
        var ICONS = {
            severe: "alert-circle",
            elevated: "alert",
            low: "check-circle"
        var colName = "";

    mvc.Components.get('element1').getVisualization(function(tableView) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            tableView.on('rendered', function() {

                $("#element1 table thead th").removeClass("sorts").removeAttr("data-sort-key");
                 // Populate dictionary with values from table
                 var tableRows = tableView.$el.find('tbody').children();

                 var tableHeaders = tableView.$el.find('th').children();

                for (var iRow = 0, row; row = tableRows[iRow]; iRow++) {

                    for (var jCol = 0, col; col = row.cells[jCol]; jCol++) {

                        switch(jCol) {
                          case 2:  
                            colName = "QA1";
                            if (iRow == 0){
                                tableHeaders.eq(jCol).html("<a href=temdashboard_html?SwimLane_Value=QA1&earliest=-24h@h&latest=now target=_blank>QA1</a>");
                          case 3:
                            colName = "QA2";
                            if (iRow == 0){
                                tableHeaders.eq(jCol).html("<a href=temdashboard_html?SwimLane_Value=QA2&earliest=-24h@h&latest=now target=_blank>QA2</a>");

                          case 4:
                            colName = "QA3";
                            if (iRow == 0){
                                tableHeaders.eq(jCol).html("<a href=temdashboard_html?SwimLane_Value=QA3&earliest=-24h@h&latest=now target=_blank>QA3</a>");

                          case 5:
                            colName = "QA4";
                            if (iRow == 0){
                                tableHeaders.eq(jCol).html("<a href=temdashboard_html?SwimLane_Value=QA4&earliest=-24h@h&latest=now target=_blank>QA4</a>");

                          case 6:
                            colName = "QA5";
                            if (iRow == 0){
                                tableHeaders.eq(jCol).html("<a href=temdashboard_html?SwimLane_Value=QA5&earliest=-24h@h&latest=now target=_blank>QA5</a>");

                          case 7:
                            colName = "QA6";
                            if (iRow == 0){
                                tableHeaders.eq(jCol).html("<a href=temdashboard_html?SwimLane_Value=QA6&earliest=-24h@h&latest=now target=_blank>QA6</a>");

                          case 8:
                            colName = "QA7";
                            if (iRow == 0){
                                tableHeaders.eq(jCol).html("<a href=temdashboard_html?SwimLane_Value=QA7&earliest=-24h@h&latest=now target=_blank>QA7</a>");

                          case 9:
                            colName = "STG";
                            if (iRow == 0){
                                tableHeaders.eq(jCol).html("<a href=temdashboard_html?SwimLane_Value=STG&earliest=-24h@h&latest=now target=_blank>STG</a>");

                          case 10:
                            colName = "STG2";
                            if (iRow == 0){
                                tableHeaders.eq(jCol).html("<a href=temdashboard_html?SwimLane_Value=STG2&earliest=-24h@h&latest=now target=_blank>STG2</a>");

                          case 11:
                            colName = "PVE";
                            if(iRow == 0){
                                tableHeaders.eq(jCol).html("<a href=temdashboard_html?SwimLane_Value=pve&earliest=-24h@h&latest=now target=_blank>PVE</a>");

                        var value = col.firstChild.data;
                        col.field === "colName";
                        var icon = "";
                        var found = false;
                        if(ICONS.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
                            icon = ICONS[value];
                            found = true;

                        if (found){

                            //$(col).addClass("icon").html(_.template('<a href="tem_search_ui_html" target="_parent"><i class="icon-<%-icon%>  <%-colName%>"></i></a>', {
                            $(col).addClass("icon").html(_.template('<i class="icon-<%-icon%>  <%-colName%>"></i>', {
                             icon: icon,
                             colName: value
                        ($('.null').css({'background': '#006eaa', 'opacity': '15%' }));

                 // Update table display
        }, 100);


        setTimeout("location.reload();", 600 * 1000);


        pageLoading = false;

0 Karma

Ultra Champion
| eval displayValue=case(TestResult_Value == \"PASSED\", \"low\", TestResult_Value == \"FAILED\", \"severe\")

Hi, @bmendez0428

| eval displayValue=case(TestResult_Value == \"PASSED\", \"low\", TestResult_Value == \"FAILED\", true(), \"severe\")

try to add true()

0 Karma
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